This Week's App: Kanopy

What is Kanopy?

Kanopy is a streaming service that partners with libraries and universities to offer a wide range of movies, documentaries, and educational videos that can be enjoyed on your TV, phone, or tablet. It specializes in indie films, classics, and critically acclaimed content.


What can it be used for?

Over the years, we have talked to countless professors who are looking to include excellent movies or documentaries in their courses. Some are for cinema courses, some for science classes, and others want documentaries for their history classes. There have always been a variety of reasons, but one thing holds true: it is hard in education to get a hold of excellent movies (without doing sketchy free account stuff, of course 😉).

Movie theater image.png

This is where Kanopy comes in. They have a huge library of movies and documentaries that can be used in a variety of educational ways. When you have access to it, you can easily link to the videos in your courses, and your students can watch them on any of their devices.

How do I get started?

Kanopy is not a completely free tool, which is understandable given its extensive offerings. However, there are two ways to access it for use:

  1. Institutional Partnership - Kanopy partners with institutions to provide its services. While it is not free, we have heard that they offer good deals. We recommend speaking with your library to see if they have a partnership with Kanopy. If they do, you can access it at their sign up page. If your institution does not have a partnership, you or your library can contact them here to find out how to get one.
  2. Public Library Partnerships - Kanopy also partners with local libraries. You can reach out to yours and find out if they have a partnership. If they do, you and your students can get a library card and access Kanopy at their sign up page.

Once you and your students have access, you can start providing access to the specific videos you want to use in your course.

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