This Week's App: Curipod

What is Curipod

Curipod is an interactive slide presentation tool that uses AI to generate a complete and interactive slide show presentation in seconds. Simply type in a topic and hit enter, and Curipod will generate a slide show complete with images, bullets, text, polls, word clouds, open-ended questions, drawings, and even Q&A slides.


What can it be used for?

To answer this question we need to clarify what Curipod does well and struggles with. Curipods, presentations, that get generated are not perfect. The reason for this is that no AI is going to be able to generate good of content as you will be as an expert teacher. That said Curipod does a great job of organizing general ideas, brainstorming topics/general ideas, and showing you where interactive elements could fit well in a presentation. This means Curipod could be a great way to…

  1. Make your existing slides interactive.
  2. Generate a starting place for slide creation.
  3. Quickly generate slides on the fly to adapt.

The key here is that Curipod can help cut down the slide deck creation process for you by quickly generating basic content and interactive elements that you can then focus on building on to create an incredible slide deck for your lessons.

Want to see what a generated slide deck without editing looks like? Check out our “What is a tank?” slideshow below, that we generated in seconds!

<aside> <img src="/icons/cursor-click_orange.svg" alt="/icons/cursor-click_orange.svg" width="40px" /> What is a Tank Presentation


How do I get started?

Getting started with Curipod is super easy because it is free! Simply go to and click on the Sign up button. From there if you follow their prompts you will be sent to your free account and you can start generating content by clicking the + Create lesson button.

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