This Week's App: Midjourney

What is Midjourney?

Midjourney is an AI tool created and hosted by San Francisco-based research lab Midjourney, Inc. We previously discussed it in Episode 107 | Opening AI: How to Write a ChatGPT Prompt & MidJourney/Adobe Firefly. However, we are revisiting it because we learned how to be dangerous with it 🙂.

Midjourney is an AI image generator, which sounds simple, but it is so much more because it allows you to bring any idea to life.

What can it be used for?

It shouldn't come as a surprise that the main use for Midjourney is generating images, since the tool is an image generator. That said there is a lot you can use this “image generator” for. You can use this tool to create fun learning experiences like escape rooms, puzzles, illustrations, and more. How? Well you can use the tool to generate the following items…

The ability to create these 3 things, gives you the ability to create fully custom slides, experiences or media to help enhance or create any learning experience you can think of.

Here are a few examples of what we have created lately and the prompts we used to create them.

png, empty highschool lobby, in the style of minimal illustrated, --aspect 7:4 --style raw --stylize 75

png, empty highschool lobby, in the style of minimal illustrated, --aspect 7:4 --style raw --stylize 75

Png white background, create a female teenage avatar, 13 - 18 years old, in the style of minimal illustrated, full body, text - based style raw stylize 50

Png white background, create a female teenage avatar, 13 - 18 years old, in the style of minimal illustrated, full body, text - based style raw stylize 50

Png white background, a skateboard with wheels, in the style of minimal illustrated, text - based style raw stylize 0

Png white background, a skateboard with wheels, in the style of minimal illustrated, text - based style raw stylize 0

Also if you want to learn more about writing prompts for Midjourney check out this very helpful tweet that got us started.

How do I get started?

To get started with this tool we recommend going to their Quick Start guide. Starting with this tool can be difficult, but that guide will really help anyone get started. Note that this tool is not free, so it will cost something to test it out and use it.

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