This Week's App: Socrative

What is Socrative?

Socrative is an assessments tool that can be used to do quizzes, tests, games and surveys. Their goal is to give you a clean assessment tool that can help you connect to your students learning.

Socrative does this by providing a straightforward tool that allows you to create assessments that provide multiple ways for reporting. They do all of this through an app that can be used on all devices.


What can it be used for?

Socrative is one of those tools with a real simple focus. They want you to be able to ask questions and get information back in reports based on those questions. So their features are built around that. With Socrative you can create:

With Socrative you can create engaging questions and get summaries on student responses with very little effort.

How do I get started?

Socrative is a freemium tool, which means they have a free starter plan, but then have other more expansive plans. You can learn about each plan at Socrative’s Pricing Plan page. We recommend signing up for the free plan first. You can learn how to sign up here.

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Once you have signed up check out Socrative’s Launch Resource Collection. It will show you the different assessment types they have and how to set them up. Play around with those tools and if you find them helpful possibly consider upgrading.

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